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招生方向: 概率论与数理统计专业的硕士博士

7)山东省自然科学基金杰出青年基金,JQ201202、《随机控制,随机分析》、 2012/07-2015/07、已结题、主持。   
11)	山东省自然科学基金青年基金,Q2007A04、《反射倒向随机微分方程理论及其应用》、2008/01-2010/12、已结题、主持。    
12)教育部留学回国基金,《倒向随机微分方程理论及其应用》、 2008/01-2010/12、已结题、主持。    
发表的部分论文目录 (注:按照本方向国际惯例,论文作者排名按照姓名英文字母顺序):
[1] Lorenzo Freddi, Dan Goreac, Juan Li, Boxiang Xu. SIR epidemics with state-dependent costs and ICU constraints: a Hamilton-Jacobi verification argument and dual LP algorithms. Applied Mathematics and Optimization. 86(2), No.23: 1-31, 2022. (SCI)
[2] Goreac Dan, Juan Li (通讯作者), Boxiang Xu. Linearisation techniques and the dual algorithm for a class of mixed singular/continuous control problems in reinsurance. Part I: theoretical aspects. Applied Mathematics and Computation. No. 127321, 2022. (SCI)
[3] Juan Li, Chuanzhi Xing. General mean-field BDSDEs with continuous coefficients. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 506(2), No. 125699, 2022. (SCI)
[4] Juan Li, Wenqiang Li, Gechun Liang. A game theoretical approach to homothetic robust forward investment performance processes in stochastic factor models. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics. 12(3), 867-897, 2021. (SCI)
[5] Florin Avram, Dan Goreac, Juan Li, Xiaochi Wu. Equity cost induced dichotomy for optimal dividends with capital injections in the Cramer-Lundberg model. Mathematics. 9(9), No. 931, 2021. (SCI)
[6] Juan Li, Wenqiang Li, Qingmeng Wei. Probabilistic interpretation of a system of coupled Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs equations. ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. 27(S), S17, 2021.(SCI)
[7] Juan Li, Chuanzhi Xing, Ying Peng. Comparison theorems for multi-dimensional general mean-field BDSDEs. Acta Mathematica Scientia. 41(2), 535-551, 2021. (SCI)
[8] Rainer Buckdahn, Yajie Chen, Juan Li(通讯作者). Partial derivative with respect to the measure and its application to general controlled mean-field systems. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications. 134, 265-307, 2021. (SCI)
[9] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li(通讯作者), Nana Zhao. Representation of limit values for nonexpansive stochastic differential games. Journal of Differential Equations. 276, 187-277, 2021. (SCI) 
[10] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li(通讯作者), Marc Quincampoix, Jérôme Renault. Representation formulas for limit values of long run stochastic optimal controls. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 58(4), 1846-1873, 2020. (SCI)
[11] Juan Li, Nana Zhao. Representation of asymptotic values for nonexpansive stochastic control systems. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications. 129(2), 634-673, 2019. (SCI)
[12] Juan Li, Wenqiang Li. Nash equilibrium payoffs for non-zero-sum stochastic differential games without Isaacs condition. Stochastic. 91(1), 1-36, 2019. (SCI)
[13] Juan Li, Hao Liang, Xiao Zhang. General mean-field BSDEs with continuous coefficients. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 466(1), 264-280,2018. (SCI)
[14] Juan Li. Mean-field forward and backward SDEs with jumps and associated nonlocal quasi-linear integral-PDEs. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications. 128(9), 3118-3180, 2018. (SCI)
[15] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li(通讯作者), Shige Peng, Catherine Rainer. Mean-field stochastic differential equations and associated PDEs. Annals of Probability. 45(2), 824-878, 2017. (SCI)
[16] Juan Li, Wenqiang Li. Zero-sum and nonzero-sum differential games without Isaacs condition. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. 23, 1217-1252. 2017. (SCI)
[17] Juan Li, Hui Min. Weak solutions of mean-field stochastic differential equations. Stochastic Analysis and Applications. 35(3), 542-568, 2017. (SCI)
[18] Tao Hao, Juan Li (通讯作者). BSDEs in games, coupled with the value functions. Associated nonlocal Bellman-Isaacs equations. Acta Mathematica Scientia. 37(5): 1497-1518, 2017. (SCI)
[19] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li (通讯作者), Jin Ma. A mean-field stochastic control problem with partial observations. Annals of Applied Probability. 27(5), 3201-3245, 2017. (SCI)
[20] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li(通讯作者), Jin Ma. A stochastic maximum principle for general mean-field systems. Applied Mathematics and Optimization. 74(3), 507-534, 2016.  (SCI)
[21] Juan Li, Hui Min. Controlled mean-field backward stochastic differential equations with jumps involving the value function. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 29(5), 1238-1286, 2016. (SCI)
[22] Tao Hao, Juan Li (通讯作者). Mean-field SDEs with jumps and nonlocal integral-PDEs. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications. 23(2), 1-51, 2016. (SCI)
[23] Tao Hao, Juan Li (通讯作者). Fully coupled forward-backward sdes involving the value function and associated nonlocal Hamilton - Jacobi - Bellman equations. ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. 22, 519-538, 2016. (SCI)
[24] Juan Li, Hui Min. Weak solutions of mean-field stochastic differential equations and application to zero-sum stochastic differential games. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 54(3), 1826-1858, 2016. (SCI)
[25] Juan Li (通讯作者), Shanjian Tang. Optimal stochastic control with recursive cost functionals of stochastic differential systems reflected in a domain. ESAIM - Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. 21(4), 1150-1177, 2015. (SCI)
[26] Juan Li, Wenqiang Li. Controlled reflected mean-field backward stochastic differential equations coupled with value function and related PDEs. Mathematical control and related fields. 5(3), 501-516, 2015. (SCI)
[27] Juan Li, Qingmeng Wei. Stochastic differential games for fully coupled FBSDEs with jumps. Applied Mathematics and Optimization. 71(3), 411-448, 2015. (SCI)
[28] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li (通讯作者), Marc Quincampoix. Value in mixed strategies for zero-sum stochastic differential games without Isaacs condition. Annals of Probability. 42 (4), 1724-1768, 2014. (SCI)
[29] Juan Li. Reflected mean-field backward stochastic differential equations. Approximation and associated nonlinear PDEs. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 413(1), 47-68, 2014. (SCI)
[30] Juan Li, Qingmeng Wei. Lp estimates for fully coupled FBSDEs with jumps. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications. 124(4), 1582-1611, 2014. (SCI)
[31] Juan Li, Qingmeng Wei. Optimal control problems of fully coupled FBSDEs and viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 52 (3), 1622-1662, 2014. (SCI)
[32] Tao Hao, Juan Li (通讯作者). BSDEs coupled with value function and related optimal control problems. Abstract and Applied Analysis. Article ID 262713, 2014. (SCI)
[33] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li (通讯作者), Shige Peng. Nonlinear stochastic differential games involving a major player and a large number of collectively acting minor agents. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 52 (1), 451-492, 2014. (SCI)
[34] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li (通讯作者), Marc Quincampoix. Value function of differential games without Isaacs conditions. An approach with nonanticipative mixed strategies. International Journal of Game Theory. 42(4), 989-1020, 2013. (SCI)
[35] Juan Li. Stochastic maximum principle in the mean-field controls. Automatica. 48(2), 366-373, 2012. (SCI)
[36] Rainer Buckdahn, Jianhui Huang, Juan Li (通讯作者). Regularity properties for general HJB equations. A BSDE method. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 50 (3), 1466-1501, 2012. (SCI)
[37] Rainer Buckdahn, Ying Hu, Juan Li (通讯作者). Stochastic representation for solutions of Isaacs' type integral-partial differential equations. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications. 121 (12), 2715-2750, 2011. (SCI)
[38] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li (通讯作者). Stochastic differential games with reflection and related obstacle problems for Isaacs equations. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. 27 (4), 647-678, 2011. (SCI)
[39] Rainer Buckdahn, Boualem Djehiche, Juan Li (通讯作者). A general stochastic maximum principle for SDEs of mean-field type. Applied Mathematics and Optimization. 64(2), 197-216, 2011(SCI)   
[40] Yanling Gu, Juan Li (通讯作者). Valuation of futures options with initial margin requirements and daily price limit. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 26(3), 579-586, 2010 (SCI) 
[41] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li (通讯作者), Shige Peng. Mean-field backward stochastic differential equations and related partial differential equations. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications. 119(10), 3133-3154, 2009. (SCI)
[42] Rainer Buckdahn, Boualem Djehiche, Juan Li (通讯作者), Shige Peng. Mean-field backward stochastic differential equations. A limit approach. Annals of Probability. 37 (4), 1524-1565, 2009. (SCI)
[43] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li (通讯作者). Probabilistic interpretation for systems of Isaacs equations with two reflecting barriers. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications. 16(3), 381-420, 2009. (SCI)
[44] Juan Li (通讯作者), Shige Peng. Stochastic optimization theory of backward stochastic differential equations with jumps and viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 70 (4), 1776-1796, 2009. (SCI)
[45] Rainer Buckdahn, Juan Li (通讯作者). Stochastic differential games and viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs equations. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 47 (1), 444-475, 2008. (SCI)
[46] Juan Li, Shanjian Tang. A local strict comparison theorem and converse comparison theorems for reflected backward stochastic differential equations. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications. 117(9), 1234-1250, 2007. (SCI)
[47] Yanling Gu, Juan Li. Converse comparison problems for reflected backward stochastic differential equations. I. (Chinese) Chinese Ann. Math. Ser. A 28 (2), 239-248, 2007; translation in Chinese J. Contemp. Math. 28 (2), 201-210, 2007.
[48] Juan Li. Fully coupled forward-backward stochastic differential equations with general martingale. Acta Mathematica Scientia. 26 (3), 443-450, 2006. (SCI)
[49] Yanling Gu, Juan Li. The effects of changing margin levels on futures options price. J. Syst. Sci. Complex. 19 (4), 461-469, 2006. 
[50] Juan Li. Backward stochastic differential equations with jumps under non-Lipschitz condition. (Chinese) J. Shandong Univ. Nat. Sci. 38 (3), 10-14, 2003. 
[51] Zengjing Chen, Juan Li, Yongqing Wei. Minimum expectation and backward stochastic differential equations. (Chinese) Adv. Math. (China) 32 (4), 441-448, 2003.

Tel: 0631-5685397/5688523  
2000/9-2003/7, beat365在线体育官方网站,概率论与数理统计,博士    
1994/9-1997/7, 山东师范大学,概率论与数理统计,硕士    
1990/9-1994/7, 山东师范大学,数学,学士  
2016年任《Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk》的执行编委;    
2017年任国际SCI学术期刊《Mathematical Control and Related Fields (MCRF)》的编委;    
2023年任国际SCI学术期刊《Computational and Applied Mathematics (COAM)》的编委;    
(杂志网址: http://aps.ecnu.edu.cn/CN/volumn/current.shtml)
[1] 随机微分方程及其相关主题国际研讨会(International Seminar on SDEs and Related Topics) (线上,2021.10)
[2] 国家重点研发计划项目“金融风险的计量理论与方法”中期总结会(2021.07.02-07.04,中国威海)
[3] 系统与控制数学2020年学术研讨会(2020.11.27-11.29,中国威海)
[4] 2019年金融数学与金融工程研究生暑期学校(2019.07.15-08.02,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[5] 2019年概率、不确定性和量化风险国际会议(Probability, Uncertainty, and Quantitative Risk) ( 2019.07.11-07.14,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[6] 2018年随机控制、随机分析及其新进展国际会议(Stochastic Analysis, Stochastic Control and New Developments)(2018.8.15-8.19,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[7] 第八届全国数学文化论坛学术会议(2018.08.10-08.13,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[8] 八校联合《金融数学与金融工程》研究生暑期学校(2018.07.16-07.31,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[9] 2018年随机动力系统和遍历性国际会议(Stochastic Dynamical Systems and Ergodicity) (2018.07.23-07.27,拉夫堡大学,英国)
[10] 2017年随机控制,BSDEs及最新进展(Stochastic control, BSDEs and new developments) (2017.09.11-09.15,Roscoff,法国)
[11] 2017年随机动力系统和遍历性短期学校(Stochastic Dynamical Systems and Ergodicity: School) (2017.08.07-08.11,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[12] 2017年金融数学与金融工程研究生暑期学校(2017.07.17-08.04,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[13] 2016年随机动力系统和遍历性短期学校(Stochastic Dynamical Systems and Ergodicity: School) (2016.12.05-12.09,拉夫堡大学,英国)
[14] 2016年金融数学与金融工程研究生暑期学校(2016.07.11-08.04,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[15] 2015年金融数学与金融工程研究生暑期学校(2015.07.18-08.06,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[16] 2015年概率、不确定性和量化风险国际会议(Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk) (2015.06.22-06.25,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[17] 2014年青年教师数学控制理论及应用学术会议(2014.06.28-07.02,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海));
[18] 2014年第7届倒向随机微分方程国际会议(The 7th International Symposium on BSDEs) (2014.06.22-06.27,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))
[19] 2014年第二届亚洲数量金融会议(The Second Asian Quantitative Finance Conference) (2014.06.18-06.21,beat365在线体育官方网站(威海))

2016年6月   北京大学2016概率统计学术研讨会(北京大学,北京)邀请报告;    
2016年7月   2016年全国青年教师数学控制理论及应用学术会议(四川大学,四川)邀请报告;    
2016年8月   随机分析及金融数学国际会议(山东科技大学,青岛)邀请报告;    
2016年9月-10月 法国西布列塔尼大学数学系访问学者;    
2017年1月   英国拉夫堡大学数学系访问交流并作报告。    
2017年3月   平均场对策国际会议(尼斯大学,法国)邀请报告;    
2017年3月   偏微分方程和概率方法国际会议(法国国家信息与自动化研究所,索菲亚-安蒂波利斯,昂蒂布,法国)邀请报告;    
2017年3月-4月 法国西布列塔尼大学数学系访问教授;    
2017年5月   第二届巴黎-亚洲数量金融国际会议(新加坡国立大学苏州研究院,苏州)邀请报告;    
2017年5月   不确定性、风险和控制国际会议(香港理工大学,香港)邀请报告;    
2017年7月   BSDE、SPDE及其应用国际会议(爱丁堡大学,英国)邀请报告;    
2017年9月   随机控制,BSDEs及最新进展(Roscoff, 法国)邀请报告;    
2017年9月   中法俄概率研讨会(北京大学,北京)邀请报告;    
2017年10月  中国工业与应用数学学会第十五届年会(青岛)邀请报告;    
2017年11月  空间概率和统计物理学(中科院,北京)邀请报告;
2018年7月   2018国际数学大会-动力系统与微分方程研讨会(台湾大学,台北)邀请报告;
2018年7月   随机动力系统和遍历性国际会议(拉夫堡大学,英国)邀请报告;
2018年8月   金融数学中的前沿方法国际会议(昂热大学,法国)邀请报告;
2018年9月   建模与控制在未来动力系统中的新发展国际会议(巴黎高等理工学院,法国)邀请报告;
2018年9月   法国西布列塔尼大学数学系访问交流并作报告;
2018年10月  中国数学会2018年学术年会(贵阳)邀请报告;
2019年2月   数据科学与金融会议(由新加坡国立大学、巴黎第七大学等共同组织)(暹粒,柬埔寨)邀请报告;
2019年5月   第十一届数学控制理论及应用学术会议(湖州师范学院,湖州)邀请报告;
2019年6月   SIAM控制理论及其应用会议(成都)邀请报告;
2019年6月   随机分析及相关问题国际会议(江苏师范大学,徐州)邀请报告;
2019年7月   2019国际数理统计学会-大连理工大学概率统计国际学术研讨会(大连)并作报告;
2019年7月   随机控制在金融中的应用国际会议(新加坡国立大学,新加坡)邀请报告;
2019年8月-9月 法国西布列塔尼大学数学系访问交流并作报告;
2019年10月 第三届江苏师范大学全国概率统计青年学者会议(江苏师范大学,徐州)邀请报告;
2019年10月 复旦大学2019年数学科学学院博士后校友论坛(复旦大学,上海)邀请报告;
2019年12月 概率统计学术研讨会(中国科学院,北京)邀请报告;
2020年10月 中国工业与应用数学会第十八届年会(长沙); 
2020年10月 山东国家应用数学中心发展战略研讨会(济南);
2020年11月 中国工业与应用数学会第十八届年会(中国长沙);
2020年11月 2020概率论与随机控制研讨会(南方科技大学,深圳)邀请报告;
2021年5月  最优传输、随机矩阵及相关问题研讨会(中国科学院,北京)邀请报告;
2021年6月  随机分析及相关领域学术研讨会(武汉大学,武汉)邀请报告;
2021年10月 中国工业与应用数学学会第十九届年会(中国合肥);
2021年11月 北京理工大学随机研讨会(北京理工大学,北京)线上邀请报告;
2021年11月 第13届数学控制理论及应用学术会议(南方科技大学,深圳)线上邀请报告;
2021年11月 东北师范大学beat365在线体育官方网站科研报告会(东北师范大学,长春)线上邀请报告;
2021年12月 随机分析及遍历性理论研讨会(beat365在线体育官方网站(青岛),青岛)邀请报告。